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4 Things I Learned From Elysabeth Lamoureux’s Travel With Ely

4 Things I Learned From Elysabeth Lamoureux’s Travel With Ely
Photo Courtesy: Elysabeth Lamoureux

Elysabeth Lamoureux, the mastermind behind Travel With Ely, offers a unique perspective on travel. Her blog is packed with valuable tips and personal experiences that can inspire both seasoned travelers and newcomers. Here are four key takeaways from Elysabeth’s blog that have made her journeys stand out:

1. Embrace Spontaneity When Planning Trips

Elysabeth’s approach to trip planning is refreshingly spontaneous. She often begins by using Google Flights to find affordable destinations based on when she has free time. This method allows her to explore places she may not have initially considered, broadening her travel experiences. Once she picks a destination, she doesn’t overwhelm herself with a rigid itinerary. Instead, she plans for half of her trip, leaving the other half open to wandering and discovering off-the-beaten-path locations. This balance of structure and spontaneity is something every traveler can learn from, allowing for both memorable adventures and some level of preparedness.

2. Balancing Travel and Work is Possible

One of the biggest challenges Elysabeth faces is balancing a full-time job with her travel blogging. Working three 12-hour shifts per week gives her blocks of time to travel, but the logistics can still be tricky. Her secret? Writing about what she loves and staying true to her own experiences. By focusing on what genuinely interests her, rather than chasing trends, Elysabeth maintains her authenticity and creates content that resonates with her audience. This lesson is crucial for anyone balancing multiple commitments: stay passionate about what you do, and your audience will follow.

3. Immerse Yourself in Local Culture

A key highlight from Elysabeth’s travels is how she connects with the local culture of each destination. While she visits famous landmarks and tourist spots, she always makes a point to venture beyond the well-worn paths. Walking a few blocks away from the popular areas, allowing herself to “get lost” in unfamiliar cities, gives her a more authentic experience. This approach provides richer interactions with locals and unique insights into the everyday life of a place, something that can’t be fully appreciated in tourist-heavy spots. If you want to truly experience a destination, don’t be afraid to explore beyond the guidebooks.

4. Prioritize Safety, Even When You’re Adventurous

Elysabeth’s adventurous spirit is paired with a keen awareness of safety. Even when she explores unfamiliar areas, she stays mindful of her surroundings and takes precautions. She keeps track of her location, avoids walking with headphones, and ensures that people know where she is at all times. Additionally, she never travels alone at night. By using tools like Google Maps and sharing her location with trusted friends, Elysabeth strikes the perfect balance between spontaneity and safety—a lesson every traveler should take to heart.

Elysabeth Lamoureux’s Travel With Ely is more than just a collection of travel tips; it’s a roadmap for finding joy and adventure while staying true to yourself. Whether you’re looking to plan your next trip or need inspiration to explore beyond your comfort zone, Elysabeth’s insights offer the perfect guide.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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