Sat. November 2 2024 10am -7pm is The 9th Annual Bisbee Arizona Mariachi Festival and Miners Reunion at Historic Warren Ballpark featuring American Idol Star Mckenna Breinholt who announced on the show her Mother was Amy Ross Lopez aka A Whiskey Girl who was a singer from Bisbee, Arizona.
Bisbee, Arizona- November 2, 2024 /Newswire/ – Mariachi 9th Annual Festival and Miners Reunion featuring American Idol star Mckenna Breinholt who will be honoring her Mother’s music Nowhere Man & A Whisky Girl. Breinholt’s birth mother was Amy Ross Lopez, aka A Whiskey Girl. Breinholt had told the judges of American Idol, she was adopted and learned when she was 21 that her birth mother was Amy Ross Lopez, a singer from Bisbee, Arizona, who performed with the folk duo Nowhere Man and A Whiskey Girl and died in October 2013 of complications from lupus. Breinholt tells the judges she made contact with members of her birth family last summer and they have had FaceTime conversations, making plans to meet in person three weeks after the audition. What she didnt know is that her adoptive parents had flown in several members of her birth family, including the grandmother she’s never met. She barely contained her emotions as she waited to meet her Bisbee family. Mckenna tells the Mariachi committee “I am so excited to come to your town in November. I am anxious to visit the place that meant so much to my birth mother Amy. It’s going to be a special day. I hope you can all make it! McKenna Breinholt Shares Her Adoption Story & Sings Her Birth Mother’s Song! – American Idol 2024 Reality TV Star Gretchen Bonaduce who is a local Hospitality Owner in Bisbee of Greenway Manor, Hacienda del Avion and Le Cornucopia Cafe in Bisbee and Sierra Vista welcomes Mckenna to Bisbee.
The Mariachi Festival is featuring some of the most talented Mariachi performers and energetic dancers from around the world. This vibrant event offers the community an opportunity to come together and enjoy live, festive music, talented dancers in the rich Mexican tradition, and vocalists who have captivated not only Arizonans but also audiences throughout the U.S. and the world. In addition to celebrating cultural heritage, every dollar generated at the event will go directly to support the Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless and the Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum, making it a celebration with a good cause.

When: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Time: Gates open at 9:00 AM. Festival is from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Where: Historic Warren Ballpark, 99 Arizona Street, Bisbee, Arizona
Admission: $15.00 for adults
Kids 10 and under are free
Tickets can be purchased on our website:
Checkout this years line-up and vendors on our website:
Contact VP Media for Press Vicky Talbot
Published By: Aize Perez