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“GAMBL” with Complete Control

The online gambling industry has come a long way since the advent of the internet. In the early and mid-2000s, smartphones and 3G technology allowed users to access web-based casinos from the comfort of a browser window. Today, however, blockchain technology has taken the online gambling industry from casino web portals to the Metaverse.

One exciting new frontier for online gambling platforms utilizing blockchain technology is the inclusion of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, in their games. This technology provides many benefits, including transparency, superior digital security, lower costs, and improved transaction speed. Blockchain is the right technology at the right time for the online gambling industry.

Another benefit for the online gambling industry brought about by blockchain is that of data privacy. In the past, online gambling platforms and portals required users to enter their personal or financial information. But when gambling using blockchain, users are able to keep this data hidden, allowing them to register, play games, and cash out while keeping their privacy intact.

An example of such a platform built for the gaming industry that uses all the benefits of blockchain technology is GAMBL. Gambling or placing bets is what GAMBL is all about, as the innovative platform provides a safe, secure, and fair gaming experience.

The founders of GAMBL, Jason Tauriello and Mario Fiorini, are committed to creating a truly democratic platform by the people, of the people, and for the people. As the founder and COO of GAMBL, Jason Tauriello brings over 20 years of experience in the gaming industry, including serving as director of operations in traditional and blockchain tech companies. Founder and CEO of GAMBL, Mario Fiorini, is the director of IGA Group, which was named “Best Consultants of the Year” for 2021 at the Sigma Europe Gaming Awards. Fiorini brings over 15 years of experience in the gaming industry to GAMBL.

Instant Payouts Guaranteed

Imagine winning even if you lose. Thanks to the one-of-a-kind deflationary tokenomics of the GAMBL coin, users will find that they win even when they lose. While traditional betting services generate a profit, the GAMBL platform creates a coin deficit. The more the users take part, the bigger the coin deficit, which translates to an increase in the value of GAMBL coins. The bottom line is that, with GAMBL, users have a better way to play and more opportunities to win.

The GAMBL platform has been optimized with blockchain to provide fair and open gaming to the global market, and will merge sportsbook, betting exchange, casino, lottery, and poker services. It will give the user a traditional, fun, and intuitive gaming experience, but behind the magic is the game-changing blockchain technology.

Providing Private and Secure Systems

One advantage that GAMBL brings to the table is the decentralization empowered by blockchain. Since the earliest days of bookmaking, the old-fashioned ledger has been used to record wins and losses. Blockchain uses distributed ledgers, which allow the bookkeeping to be fair and provide safety and security to the users and operators. The shift from centralized to distributed ledgers offers complete transparency and lower fees, making the gaming experience more profitable.

“A decentralized gaming blockchain allows users to bet safely, securely, and privately on a self-regulating network,” explains Tauriello. “Users can retain control of their funds and bet without limitation or restriction. Decentralization also removes all geographical barriers, meaning that a gaming blockchain can access a global market and tap into an industry whose total size can only be estimated.”

Globally accessible and free from personal limitations or restrictions, GAMBL allows for guaranteed payouts, giving users complete control over their funds. GAMBL operates with full transparency and makes all betting data publicly available. To reduce the entry barrier for bettors and operators, they also offer industry-leading odds and prize pools.

Blockchain technology is leading the way in revamping the online gambling industry, making the industry’s games more immersive than ever. While blockchain gaming is still a young concept, many experts agree blockchain games are the future of the industry. With GAMBL’s easy-to-use, one-stop platform for all gaming services, they are poised to lead the way.

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