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Aang Lakey: Inspiring Consciousness in Leadership

Aang Lakey- Inspiring Consciousness in Leadership
Photo Courtesy: Stephanie Southard

In today’s increasingly interconnected and complex world, leadership goes far beyond simply managing others. Leaders are being called to embrace a new paradigm—one of influence as role models who actively drive equity and social change. But how can leaders create this kind of impact? 

According to Aang Lakey, the founder of Increasing Consciousness, it requires a deep understanding of oneself and others, a commitment to inclusivity, and the ability to influence broader systems for positive transformation. Aang is a life, leadership, and spirituality coach whose work in conscious leadership is shaping a more equitable world.

Aang Lakey is an expert in leadership coaching, backed by a strong academic foundation in Social Work and Human Relations with a focus on Executive Leadership. Their extensive experience in violence prevention and DEIAB (diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging), such as roles like SHARP Program Manager for U.S. Army Europe and Africa, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist with the U.S. Coast Guard, and Senior Advisor for Inclusive Leadership in the U.S. Department of State, highlights their impact in the field.

Aang’s leadership journey is further enriched by their 15 years of military service in the U.S. Army, as well as nine years as a civil servant, where they held key positions in leadership development and violence prevention programs across multiple branches of the U.S. Military. In addition, their work has been recognized with numerous awards, including the Army Commendation Medal and the Federal Employee of the Year Award.

Increasing Consciousness in Leadership

Conscious leadership, as Aang Lakey defines it, is the practice of aligning personal values with organizational goals, fostering empathy and appreciating diverse perspectives to create a positive and equitable impact. At its core, it involves a holistic approach that integrates personal mastery, social mastery, and systems mastery—each of which plays a critical role in driving systemic change.

Personal Mastery is the foundation of integrating consciousness into leadership. It involves developing mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and the ability to guide oneself and others effectively. By cultivating self-awareness and mastering emotions, leaders are better equipped to make decisions that reflect their core values and long-term goals.

Social Mastery focuses on the interpersonal aspects of leadership. It requires applying emotional, social, and cultural intelligence and competencies in diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging (DEIAB). Leaders who excel in social mastery create inclusive environments where every team member feels valued and respected, leading to more cohesive and productive teams.

Systems Mastery involves understanding the broader social ecology, recognizing systemic concerns, and using that knowledge to drive meaningful change. This includes acknowledging how different elements—such as social identities, power dynamics, and institutional structures—interact and influence each other. Leaders with systems mastery are adept at identifying and addressing these complexities, making them powerful agents of change.

Aang Lakey- Inspiring Consciousness in Leadership
Photo Courtesy: Stephanie Southard

Why Consciousness in Leadership Matters for Systemic Change

Consciousness in leadership is crucial for creating systemic change because it equips leaders with the awareness and skills needed to navigate and influence complex systems. Traditional leadership models often focus on short-term goals and individual achievements, but integrating consciousness in leadership emphasizes long-term goals, collective success, and the global impact of leadership decisions to bring about a more equitable world.

Aang Lakey’s approach to integrating consciousness in leadership is grounded in the belief that every leader has the potential to influence not just their immediate team, but also the broader systems in which they operate. By reinforcing the idea that leaders and their teams are part of a larger, interconnected whole, they can nurture a leadership style that resonates through every level of their organization. 

Key Components of Increasing Consciousness in Leadership

  1. Awareness of Interconnectedness: Aang teaches that leaders must recognize the impact of their actions and decisions on others. This awareness is the first step toward creating systemic change, as it helps leaders understand the broader implications of their choices.

  2. Embodying Habits for Personal Growth: Integrating consciousness in leadership requires daily practices to increase mindfulness, reflexivity, and intentionality. Habits like meditation, intentional action, and reflexive practices can help leaders foster an environment of growth, resilience, and positive change for themselves and their organizations.

  3. Influencing Systemic Change: The ultimate goal of integrating consciousness into leadership is to drive systemic change. This means using the skills and awareness developed through personal and social mastery to influence broader systems and facilitate global equity.

The Ripple Effect of Integrating Consciousness Into Leadership

In conclusion, integrating consciousness into leadership is more than just a trendy leadership style—it’s a call to action to create a more equitable world. Aang Lakey’s approach shows that when leaders focus on personal, social, and systems mastery, they create a ripple effect that extends far beyond their immediate teams and organizations. As more leaders embrace this model, the vision of a more equitable and sustainable world moves from a distant dream to a powerful reality. 

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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