June 28, 2024
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Adam Larkin: Inspiring Entrepreneur and Recovery Advocate Taking Gitt Apparel Global

Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Witt
Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Witt

Adam Larkin is an American entrepreneur from Saratoga Springs, New York. In the last year, Adam was featured in CEO WEEKLY, New York Weekly, US Insider, US Reporter, NY Wire, Recovery Today Magazine, and for the second time, we are featuring him in the Los Angeles Wire. He also got Gitt Apparel on the iconic Times Square Billboards in Manhattan during Christmas week. Every time we speak with Adam, his positivity and energy are contagious. He currently resides in Southeastern Kentucky but is constantly traveling from New York to Cali coast to coast, promoting his clothing company, Gitt Apparel. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Gitt Apparel, which he co-founded with his sister Jeannette. Gitt stands for Get in the Truck. Gitt up and do something different. He motivates and inspires others daily through his clothing company. Gitt encourages a healthy lifestyle and promotes mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Every day he is out there grinding and selling clothing nationwide. Gitt Apparel is in 41 states now and is expanding at a remarkably fast rate. Recently, he took his clothing company global. Now you can spot Gitt Apparel in Africa, where he is collaborating with ministries in Kenya, Africa, on the Mombasa Coast.

“Gitt Motivated, Gitt Inspired, Gitt what you want out of life, Gitt with the program…don’t Gitt left behind. Inspire to be better,” Adam said.

Adam Larkin motivates and inspires others as he travels the country through videography content he creates on social media and his clothing brand, Gitt Apparel. Adam is also a go-to social media consultant. He helps businesses with their social media advertising and marketing. His marketing and video editing skills are precise and strategic. He has reached well over a quarter million followers between Facebook and Instagram, verified on both platforms. He is gaining a celebrity status in the social media game. He is getting paid for the content and reels he makes on Facebook too. He is a social media influencer and is signing contracts to help other business and personal pages get more organic followers and revenue. He films, edits, and produces reels for them too. He also recently got a brand ambassador deal on Instagram, promoting the Aquavault charge card and a couple of other brands. He is open to multiple collaborations if the price is right and the brand fits his values. He also scored an Amazon Influencer gig because of his massive following.

“I absolutely love the west coast vibe, everyone is so chill,” he said.

He is out here in California yearly, promoting and spreading positivity and motivation. This May, he was out here visiting us again in California and was wide open, full throttle as always. He hit Santa Monica, LA, Malibu, Hollywood, Venice, and Beverly Hills for a few days, and then luxurious Palm Springs for the last 5 nights. June 23-30th he will be back out to Alaska hiking, salmon fishing, and recharging off the grid.

“Alaska loved Gitt and I love Alaska, it truly is the last frontier. It went from a bucket lister to a yearly getaway,” he said.

Adam Larkin- Inspiring Entrepreneur and Recovery Advocate
Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Witt

Next, he will be in New York and Montreal, Canada with his fiancee Jennifer Witt, again in August, West Virginia and Tennessee in early September, then back in South Carolina at the end of September. It’s awesome he films it all for his social media and marketing…or we could never keep up with him lol. He will close out September, which is Recovery Month, with his 3rd Annual Gitt Recovery Celebration. This is his event he started in 2022 to showcase all the good things that come out of recovery. Last year, there were roughly 1500 people in attendance. He does multiple TV, radio, newspaper, and news interviews to promote it, along with having it in local movie theaters where he lives in KY.

Adam is a huge recovery advocate. He shows others how he went from desperation and homelessness, caught up in the grip of addiction, to a very successful entrepreneur and CEO, doing motivational speaking. He was in a fatal car accident as a passenger, helicoptered to the capital at Albany Medical Center in upstate NY, and lost his best friend Justin at age 19, who was driving. This is when Purdue Pharmaceuticals was pumping out Oxycontin to everybody for any pain management in 2001. After a horrible opiate addiction for 18 years, he is now a global recovery advocate, inspiring others to live their best lives. Adam will be working on his autobiography soon to Gitt it into treatment centers across the globe and keep spreading HOPE, showing others what God has done for him in his life, while putting action, hard work, and determination into place. He will also be pitching a TV series and movie about his life.

“I just want to show others no matter how broken, depressed, defeated, hopeless, and addicted…You CAN recover and live an amazing life. When you truly have a spiritual awakening, you realize that God can restore anything…he uses people like us to shine his light.” Adam said.

Adam’s story is truly remarkable in such a short amount of time. We cannot wait to see what he does next. To follow him on his journey as he travels, follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to check out his website https://www.gittlive.com/ and order some fresh gear.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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