May 12, 2024
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Axiom Chiropractic Sets the Gold Standard for Chiropractic Care Gearing Towards Overall Health and Wellness

Contrary to popular belief and what has been spread all across the mainstream, Chiropractic Care is a holistic healing approach designed to improve overall body function and optimize performance. Nowadays, people seem to have the misconception that Chiropractic Care only involves curing back and neck pains. However, Axiom Chiropractic is steadily changing people’s perception, leading the charge towards providing the highest quality of Chiropractic Care and educating the masses on its true healing powers.

Dr. Tyler Hartley and Dr. Megan Hullihen are at the heart of Axiom Chiropractic. The seasoned professionals are extremely grateful that they get to be a part of life-changing, powerful healing work every day. “In our office, we understand that health is the default, and everyone deserves to achieve and maintain it,” shared Dr. Hartley. At Axiom Chiropractic, the team utilizes the most specific full-spine chiropractic adjusting technique called the Gonstead method. 

The Gonstead method applies five different criteria to each patient in order to discover the true cause of a health concern. The extreme success of the Gonstead technique is due to the specificity of the objective criteria that are performed on each patient and, secondly, the greatest attention to detail when it was time to make the spinal correction through a manual spinal adjustment. 

The objective tests include a detailed case history, full-spine X-rays, instrumentation, motion palpation, static palpation and visualization. Axiom Chiropractic takes the Gonstead method and brings it to a whole other level by adding three more neurological scans that give insight into how the brain is communicating to the body as well as its patients’ overall state of nervous system function.

This technology, called the INSiGHT by CLA, uses heart rate variability, Electromyography and Thermography combined to produce a CORE score for Autonomic Nervous System Function. “We believe that the amazing results we achieve are credited to detailed nervous system exams, as well as attention to specificity when delivering the chiropractic adjustment. When performed correctly, the chiropractic adjustment will alleviate nerve pressure at the root and allow proper efferent and afferent signals between the brain and body to take place,” explained Dr. Hullihen. 

People who strive to live a healthy lifestyle, but are too busy to actually maintain it, will greatly benefit from the services that Axiom Chiropractic readily provides. The esteemed chiropractic clinic does not just provide high-quality services. The team strives to educate its community on where health truly comes from and connect the bridge between its patients’ symptoms, chronic health concerns and how chiropractic adjustment plays a massive role in correcting that problem.

Furthermore, Axiom Chiropractic provides the evidence and understanding to its patients so that they can feel confident in taking the outcome of their health into their own hands. The team always utilizes objective measurements before they perform any adjustment because it is an essential step that allows them to know when to make a correction. It also allows the team of experts to know when not to make an adjustment at all.

“We make sure we know when to adjust, why to adjust and ensure the patient understands what needs to be done in order to achieve the results they’re after,” shared Dr. Hartley. Axiom Chiropractic is setting the gold standard when it comes to Chiropractic Care. The methods that the clinic utilizes are pristine and well-thought, allowing its patients to thrive in health and wellness along the way.

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