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From Party Lovers to Event Creators: The Arise360 Journey

From Party Lovers to Event Creators: The Arise360 Journey
Photo Courtesy: Arise360

By: Svetlana Khachiyan

Delving into the inspiring journey of Arise360, we uncover how two enthusiastic party lovers, Elena and Marina, transformed their passion for exceptional gatherings into a thriving event organizing business. Their story is not just about creating events; it’s about infusing every celebration with soul, creativity, and a touch of magic. Through a candid conversation, we explore the pivotal moments and unique insights that have shaped their approach, setting Arise360 apart in the bustling event industry. Join us as we navigate their thoughts on what it takes to craft unforgettable experiences that resonate long after the last guest has departed.

How did two party lovers suddenly decide to become event organizers? Was it a moment of inspiration or did the party go too well?


It was more of a realization that no one can throw a party better than us! We’ve attended so many events and always thought, “If only they added this, or did that differently…” One day we decided, enough watching — it’s time to create the perfect events ourselves!

What party or event inspired you to start your own company? What was so special about it?


We were at an event where everything was perfect… except the soul. Everything looked great, but it lacked that special fun. That’s when we realized: we can add that magic touch that’s sometimes missing to make an event unforgettable.

What’s more important at a party: a perfect photo shoot or properly inflated balloons?


The photo shoot gives us memories for a lifetime! But, you know, properly inflated balloons add their own charm too. So the answer is both, in perfect balance!

From Party Lovers to Event Creators: The Arise360 Journey
Photo Courtesy: Arise360

What three words would you use to describe the style of Arise360 parties? And can it be said on TV?


Fun, creative, and a little crazy! And on TV? Yes, these words definitely describe us.

Do you have any “tricks” in event planning? Maybe something your competitors can’t replicate?


Oh, we have plenty of tricks! For example, our approach to creating an atmosphere — we add a piece of ourselves to every project, our love for details and fun. And we have a secret recipe for good vibes, but we won’t reveal it.

How would you describe the perfect client? Do they have any superhero qualities?


The perfect client is someone who trusts us to create the magic! And yes, they have a superpower: they know how to enjoy both the process and the result.

From Party Lovers to Event Creators: The Arise360 Journey
Photo Courtesy: Arise360

If your company were a cocktail, what ingredients would you choose? And who’s in charge of the “strength”?


Our company is a cocktail of creativity, fun, and a little bit of madness! Marina is in charge of the fun factor, and I handle the perfect balance.

What’s the event of the year you have planned this time?


We dream of organizing something special for our community—a New Year’s party that will become the event of the year! It will be a family-friendly event with tons of fun for both kids and adults, where everyone can find something they love. We want to create an atmosphere where parents and children can immerse themselves in the magic of the holiday together. This will be our first time organizing such an event, and we’re already looking forward to bringing joy to the families of Orange County and Los Angeles!

What makes your events different from the usual ones? What’s the “magic” of Arise360?


We put our heart into every event. It’s not just work for us, it’s our passion. And that energy is felt at every one of our events.

If you could organize a party anywhere on the planet, what place would it be and why?


Hmm, it’s hard to choose just one place! But maybe we’d choose a beach in Bali — the perfect mix of nature, sun, and ocean. That place is a party in itself!


Published By: Aize Perez

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