March 10, 2025
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How Rachel Sklar Empowers Boy Moms Everywhere

How Rachel Sklar Empowers Boy Moms Everywhere
Photo credit: Rachel Sklar

Being a mom is no easy feat, but raising a strong-willed boy is another thing entirely. The challenges run deep, and moms who struggle to navigate those challenges know how profoundly it can affect their emotional health, their relationship with their spouse, extended family members, friendships, and most importantly, their relationship with their son. 

Frustration, hopelessness, and guilt are common feelings moms face when they have a son whose behavior is highly intense, persistent, perhaps aggressive, and always pushing buttons. It’s easy to think, “I’m not cut out for this.” We’re here to tell you that’s not the case! Parenting a strong-willed boy is a skill you can absolutely learn and Rachel Sklar specializes in helping moms learn it. 

Rachel is a seasoned parenting expert and the driving force behind The Boy Mom Method™, a coaching program dedicated to transforming the lives of parents and their strong-willed boys, as well as society itself. Her expertise on typical challenges faced by boys today combined with her focus on transforming the parent-child relationship helps moms (and their partners) turn their families around. 

Rachel believes that her method can also impact the ways boys act at school, in their communities, with their future partners and children, and how they will act towards others in their future workplaces. A key component of the method is about teaching boys to channel their power into healthy relationship dynamics instead of using it to control others.    

When parents implement The Boy Mom Method™, they feel confident in themselves, deeply bonded to their sons, and inspired, not deterred, by their son’s strength of character and potential for leadership. Perhaps more importantly, their sons feel it too.

Rachel should know. As a mom of three strong-willed boys and a long-time parent coach specializing in this area, she understands that having a calm, cooperative household where “kindness rules” is a tall order for many moms. But with the right approach, Rachel is sure that it’s not out of reach. Any mom can get where they want to be on their parenting journey.

What sets The Boy Mom Method™ apart from your typical parenting book or online advice is its emphasis on customizing the approach according to the boy’s existing strengths, the unique family dynamics, and what parents have already tried and know doesn’t work. It requires that parents set aside some of their traditional approaches in favor of something new and experimental – that they start to see their son’s behavior and their relationship with him through new eyes. 

Harsh punishment and taking away screen time are not required. While many moms feel dejected by their son’s defiance and completely disregarded when it comes to rules and boundaries, The Boy Mom Method™ does not leverage a punitive approach unless the parent has had success with it. If being controlling and punishing your son has worked to improve the relationship, build his confidence, and inspire kindness and cooperation, then you probably don’t need this method. If you ask Rachel, she’ll tell you, “That’s almost never a winning formula for strong-willed boys.” 

The Boy Mom Method™ is accessible at many levels and price points, ranging from a self-paced course to private or group coaching programs where Rachel and her team hold your hand as you implement the method. In her programs, Rachel is an advocate for the boys’ point of view, a builder of community, and a nonjudgemental, safe person to carry moms through really tough times. Rachel is also building a Boy Mom Method app for when the wheels are falling off and you’re at your wit’s end.  

The Boy Mom Method™ group coaching programs are specifically for moms dealing with intense, persistent, sensitive, or rageful boys ages 4 to 14, with or without a diagnosis. It includes a combination of group sessions for moms, monthly meetings for dads, private sessions, guest experts, an active Facebook community, and a portal of psychoeducational tools and materials. 

If groups aren’t their thing, parents can opt for a private program or take a self-paced journey, a great option for dads and even parents of girls. Rachel’s goal is to get you to the other side in whatever way works best for you.

Impactful change starts at home and takes time. Since Rachel started her coaching company, Sklar Parenting, she has never promised quick fixes. Rather, she promises a roadmap to your child’s temperament, personality, and unique needs to help you navigate any challenge. 

For more information on The Boy Mom Method™ and Rachel Sklar’s credentials, visit the Sklar Parenting website, connect with her on Instagram, or check out The Boy Mom Method™’s page. 

Published by: Martin De Juan


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