September 19, 2024
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Overcoming Mid-Career Hurdles: How Joseph Roszhart Helps Professionals Thrive Amid Challenges

Joseph Roszhart Helps Professionals Thrive Amid Challenges
Photo Courtesy: Joseph Roszhart

Mid-career professionals often find themselves at a crossroads—caught between the desire for growth and the frustration of feeling stuck. Whether they’re seeking a promotion, transitioning to a new field, or rethinking their career path, many struggle to break free from stagnation. Joseph Roszhart, the visionary founder of Roszhart Coaching, offers a way forward. His coaching services are designed to help professionals align their career paths with their values and long-term goals, going far beyond traditional career advice.

With over a decade of experience in project management and transformational leadership, Joseph has developed a unique coaching approach that emphasizes holistic career alignment, strategic planning, and continuous support. His process empowers clients to achieve not just professional advancement but also personal fulfillment.

A Unique Approach to Career Alignment

What sets Roszhart Coaching apart is Joseph’s belief that real career success stems from aligning professional goals with personal values. Rather than focusing solely on immediate achievements, Joseph helps clients take a broader, more reflective approach. By understanding what truly drives them, clients can pursue roles that resonate with their sense of purpose and personal aspirations.

Clients often report a profound transformation after working with Joseph. For example, one mid-career professional came to Joseph feeling lost in their career path, but through Joseph’s guidance and the Core Value Index assessment, they discovered untapped leadership potential. This clarity led to a promotion and a renewed sense of fulfillment in their role.

Comprehensive and Personalized Coaching Process

Roszhart Coaching’s process is designed to guide professionals through every step of their career transformation. Each element of the process is personalized to the individual’s needs:

1. Resume Report: The journey begins with a detailed resume report, which identifies key areas for improvement. This serves as the foundation for the upcoming consultation.

2. Consultation Call: During this one-on-one session, Joseph works closely with clients to gain clarity on their career goals and ensure they are on the right path for growth.

3. Customized Questionnaire: Based on insights from the Core Value Index (CVI) results and the consultation, Joseph provides a tailored questionnaire to help clients further refine their objectives and identify strengths.

4. Resume and LinkedIn Development: Joseph crafts a resume and optimizes the client’s LinkedIn profile, ensuring they reflect both the client’s goals and personality. Unlimited edits are offered to perfect these documents.

5. Review and Call: A final review call ensures that the resume and LinkedIn profile align with the client’s long-term goals and strategy.

Beyond Resume Services: A Holistic Career Approach

Roszhart Coaching is not just about crafting resumes and LinkedIn profiles—it’s about helping clients gain insights into their career trajectory. Joseph emphasizes personal development, working to align professional goals with clients’ values and long-term vision. By leveraging tools like the Core Value Index and customized career questions, clients gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and how to apply them in a fulfilling career.

Joseph’s services go beyond the typical scope of career coaching by helping clients achieve not only career advancement but also sustainable personal growth.

Tailored Services for Long-Term Success

Joseph’s coaching services start at $500, which includes a Core Value Index assessment, customized career questions backed by psychological insights, and 30 days of ongoing support, during which clients can schedule quick calls and ask questions as needed. For those seeking a more comprehensive experience, premium packages are available.

These premium offerings include interview preparation, mindset worksheets, additional coaching calls, and a custom-made resume tailored for up to 20 job applications. This ongoing service ensures that clients receive continuous guidance throughout their career journey, from resume development to successful job placement.

Proven Results and Recognition

Joseph’s work has been widely recognized. He has received the Stellar Business Award and has been featured in outlets like NY Weekly, American Daily Post, and the Associated Press. He has also been named one of the Top 100 Coaches by Stellar Business, further highlighting his impact on mid-career professionals seeking to overcome career challenges.

Through Roszhart Coaching, Joseph has helped countless professionals achieve promotions, land new roles, and experience greater fulfillment in their careers. His unique approach equips clients with the clarity, confidence, and strategies they need to thrive both professionally and personally.

Take the Next Step Toward Career Alignment

If you’re a mid-career professional feeling stuck or unsure of your next steps, Joseph Roszhart offers the guidance you need to realign your career with your values and goals. Whether you’re seeking a promotion, exploring a new role, or simply wanting more fulfillment in your current career, Roszhart Coaching is here to help.

Connect with Joseph and learn more about his services on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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