September 26, 2024
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Lily Brooks O’Briant Unveils Emotional Journey Behind Her New EP ’Hopeless Romantic’

Lily Brooks O'Briant Releases New EP 'Hopeless Romantic'_3
Photos Courtesy: Lauren Eve Parker

By: PR Fueled

Rising Star Lily Brooks O’Briant opens up about the deeply personal inspiration behind her forthcoming EP Hopeless Romantic, which will be released on September 27th. In this exclusive Q&A, the multi-talented actor and singer-songwriter reflects on the emotional roller coaster of young love, heartbreak, and self-discovery that shaped her music. Collaborating with co-writer Ethan X Aargon and producers Jack Roberts, Taj Bratton, and Michael E. Gibson, Lily shares how this project captures her raw, unfiltered emotions, offering fans a heartfelt, relatable experience through her artistry.

1. What was your inspiration behind the Hopeless Romantic EP, and how did your personal experiences influence the writing process?

The Hopeless Romantic EP is deeply inspired by the emotional rollercoaster of young love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. All of the songs on this EP are the story of the breakup with a great guy who I really did love and how I felt afterward – even six months later.  Each song gives a moment of that journey of the initial immense pain, trying to navigate being friends but still hurting; anger; confusion and frustration at how it all happened and feeling like it was out of our control; and wanting one more last everything with him. I am a storyteller at my core and wanted to capture that raw feeling of being completely in love and the heartache that sometimes follows when things don’t work out.

Lily Brooks O'Briant Releases New EP 'Hopeless Romantic'_2
Photos Courtesy: Lauren Eve Parker

2. You co-wrote the EP with Ethan X Aargon. How did that collaboration come about, and what was the dynamic like in the studio?

Ethan and I met in March or April of 2022. Our sisters were friends, and we first connected when we were walking with them to go buy things at Target. During that walk, we discovered our shared love for songwriting, and from there, the collaboration just took off. Ethan co-wrote every song on this EP, and he’s been an incredible partner throughout the whole process. He’s someone who has been there for me through heartache and has truly helped me express those feelings through music. In the studio, we had such a natural dynamic. We would bounce ideas off each other, and it felt like we are usually on the same page.  I’m so grateful to call him my friend, and I couldn’t have asked for a better co-writer to bring this project to life.

3. With songs like Wait a Minute and But I Don’t Know dealing with post-breakup emotions, how do you channel your feelings into your songwriting?

Songwriting is my way of processing what I’m feeling, especially when it comes to something as personal as a breakup. I take those emotions—whether it’s sadness, confusion, or hope —and try to channel them into lyrics and melodies that resonate. For Wait a Minute and But I Don’t Know, I really wanted to capture the complexity of those emotions, the lingering questions, and the unresolved feelings. It’s almost like therapy for me. By turning those feelings into a song, I’m able to release them and connect with others who might be feeling the same way.

Lily Brooks O'Briant Releases New EP 'Hopeless Romantic'
Photos Courtesy: Lauren Eve Parker

4. Can you walk us through the production process and how working with producers like Jack Roberts, Taj Bratton, and Michael E. Gibson shaped the final sound?

Working with Jack, Taj, and Mikey was an incredible experience. Each of them brought their own unique touch to the EP. It is funny how small the world is – I was introduced to Jack through a Grammy winning songwriter, Ted Bruner, who grew up with a friend of my mom’s.  He really helped with the overall vibe, making sure everything had that polished yet emotionally raw feel. I had two weeks of spring break this spring from LAAMP (LA Academy for Artists & Music Producers) where I attend school.  One week was spent in Nashville working with songwriters & producers there and the other week was in Denver with Jack working on But I Don’t Know & Wait a Minute.  I met Taj through another songwriter who is like a big brother to me & Taj is also the bass player in my band! Taj is a crazy talented musician and understands sound.  He is all about the details—he knows how to take a melody and elevate it, adding subtle layers that make the song come to life. I attended LAAMP with Mikey last year and he produced 2 other singles for me (‘Seventeen’ & ‘Thank You’) before working on ‘Hopeless Romantic’ input was key when it came to balancing the vocals with the instrumental tracks, making sure the production didn’t overshadow the emotion in my voice. Together, they helped me find a sound that feels both authentic and fresh, while also staying true to who I am as an artist and writing my truth.  

5. How does this EP differ from your previous work, such as What You Wanted and Thank You? What new elements did you bring to the table?

The Hopeless Romantic EP is definitely more personal than some of my previous work. I have grown as a songwriter and as a person since I wrote my first EP, ‘Too Good to be True’.  But with this EP, I really wanted to dive deep into storytelling and make sure the music reflected a story of true love lost or maybe even taken. I also took more creative risks, both in terms of production and songwriting. There are more organic elements, like live instruments, and I leaned into more vulnerable topics that I hadn’t explored before. This EP feels like the  authentic version of myself, and I hope people can feel that when they listen. Hopeless Romantic was just written this summer but I have so much more music to share and I can’t wait for you to hear it all – be ready for a sassier version of Lily Brooks which reflects how I have felt since Jan of this year.  

Follow Lily Brooks O’Briant on Social Media and make sure to Pre-Save Hopeless Romantic

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Pre Save Hopeless Romantic

Published by: Martin De Juan

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