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Measure of Hearts Foundation: A Glimmer of Hope for Transitioning Young Women

Measure of Hearts Foundation: A Glimmer of Hope
Photo Courtesy: Brandon Valencia

In the heart of South Los Angeles, an organization is reshaping the future for young women facing critical life transitions. The Measure of Hearts Foundation (MOHF), founded in 2019 by Aristela Roberson, is not just a non-profit; it’s a powerful example of the power of resilience and hope. Born out of Aristela’s personal journey from foster care through incarceration to redemption, MOHF stands as a force in supporting young women who are aging out of foster care or reentering society post-incarceration.

Aristela Roberson’s story is one marked by struggle, survival, and ultimately, transformation. Aging out of the foster system at 18 without adequate support led her down a path marked by homelessness and criminal involvement. It wasn’t until after serving time and securing stable employment post-release that Aristela felt a burning desire to change the narrative not just for herself but for others like her. This desire culminated in the creation of MOHF when an opportunity to repurpose duplexes into transitional housing presented itself—an opportunity she saw as fate.

The foundation’s first housing site could accommodate 20 individuals, marking the beginning of what would become an expansive operation aimed at providing more than just shelter. Today, MOHF operates seven facilities with a capacity to house 75 individuals. However, its mission extends far beyond housing; it encompasses outreach programs, education, employment assistance, and navigating reentry challenges—a holistic approach to rehabilitation and empowerment.

What sets MOHF apart is its founder’s lived experience which brings authenticity and understanding to its operations. “I’ve walked in their shoes,” Aristela often says, emphasizing her deep connection to those she serves. This empathy-driven model has proven effective in addressing not only the immediate needs but also fostering long-term stability for these young women.

MOHF’s impact stretches across various facets of its beneficiaries’ lives. Through dedicated outreach efforts, they ensure that vulnerable young women are identified and brought under their wing at critical junctures—be it aging out of foster care or release from incarceration. Once within MOHF’s embrace, these individuals receive tailored support aimed at breaking the cycle of instability. Educational programs offer them opportunities for personal growth and professional development while employment assistance ensures they gain financial independence.

Navigating reentry poses significant challenges; however, MOHF provides essential resources and guidance to ease this transition. From understanding legal obligations to reconnecting with society positively, the foundation ensures no one has to walk this path alone.

The success stories emerging from MOHF are nothing short of inspirational—stories of young women reclaiming their lives against all odds thanks to Aristela’s vision and relentless dedication. Each story underscores the foundation’s role not just as a provider but as a catalyst for transformation.

Looking ahead, Measure of Hearts Foundation remains committed to increasing its reach and impact. Plans are underway for expanding housing capacity further while continuously enhancing existing programs. The ultimate goal? To ensure that every young woman facing transition can find hope and opportunity—a chance at a new beginning.

As we reflect on MOHF’s journey since its inception in 2019, it becomes evident that this organization does much more than provide shelter—it offers a lifeline during pivotal moments when all seems lost. In doing so, Measure of Hearts Foundation embodies Aristotle’s assertion: “What lies in our power to do lies in our power not do.” Under Aristela Roberson’s leadership, MOFH doesn’t just dream about making a difference—it actively crafts brighter futures daily.

For anyone looking to learn more about Measure of Hearts Foundation or seeking ways to contribute towards enriching lives—one heart at a time—visit Measure of Hearts Foundation website.

In essence, Measure of Hearts Foundation isn’t merely about transitioning young women from challenging circumstances; it’s about nurturing resilience so profound that every individual it touches emerges stronger—ready not just to face life but flourish within it.

Measure of Hearts Foundation: A Glimmer of Hope
Photo Courtesy: Brandon Valencia



Published By: Aize Perez

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