September 14, 2024
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The Confidence of Steady Fitness with OviPhysiques

The Confidence of Steady Fitness with OviPhysiques
Photo Courtesy: OviPhysiques

Coach Ovi Ilica has a deep fitness resume. He loves his job, and he’s put in more work than most trainers—as a personal trainer, you don’t have to be exceptionally strong yourself, but it certainly helps you attract customers since they can see the success of your practice immediately. Ovi has competed in seven Men’s Physique bodybuilding shows, including the NPC Nationals. He’s coached over 7,500 classes for Orangetheory Fitness as a dual head coach and regional manager, and he’s written over 800 fitness programs for clients he’s trained. The Oviphysiques brand is an extension of his resume, and it’s proven to garner results for anyone trying to get in shape, lose weight, or put on muscle. 

One of the biggest challenges Ovi faced in his career came before he got his Personal Trainer and Nutritionist certifications. He did that after he was forced to adapt from  being laid off from his job twice. The first time, he felt lost, angry, and depressed. However, the second time, he dug deeper into his fitness passion. He created an LLC and started working for himself. This experience taught Ovi the core values of resilience and adaptability.

Ovi was brought to create OviPhysiques after he saw how corrupt and misleading the fitness industry is, with its many catch-all solutions and quick fix products. Usually, people are left confused about what to eat, how to exercise, and how often to do each. Ovi recognized that these challenges could be overwhelming, so he created a brand that would help people find their way through the brush. He encourages individuals under his guidance to build a routine through an assessment of strengths and building up consistency to guarantee long-term success, whereas other trainers are happy to use negative motivation if they think it will get quick results and more sessions purchased. Negative motivation is using a client’s own insecurities—fear of being too fat, ugly, weak, lazy, or broken to mess up—to keep them stressed enough that they stick to fitness for a bit. While these clients lose weight at first, they never establish the confidence to continue the routine on their own, and they blame themselves for falling behind later. It takes the client out of control of their health journey. 

The business philosophy of Oviphysiques starts and ends with a steadfast commitment to client wellness. Ovi grinds at work to understand his clients’ unique situations. He generally finds it faulty to impose his own beliefs or dietary habits on his clients because it doesn’t help them find the same success as building the habits from their specific foundation. Therefore, he digs into every client’s past failures—especially how they feel about these failures, so he can gauge a path forward—and he helps them to find a custom path to consistent improvement. Ovi tailors a routine to make people feel better about their strengths way before they feel worse about their weaknesses. These strengths can be anything; take talking for example. If you love to gab with friends, use this for your benefit—Go on long walks with a friend, and if the weather is too bad for them, hop on the phone! Already, you’ll feel more resilient and fit for using your personality. This approach doesn’t need a patent. Ovi is just happy to see clients succeed. At the core of OviPhysiques scientific approach is the dietary structure that prioritizes eating proper nutrition over cutting food out. He always sticks with the best outlook, shouting, “EAT THE FOOD” if need be. It’s super important to give yourself the best nutrition if you want the best gains.

Ovi wants OviPhysiques to hire more coaches who share his passion for helping clients succeed as his business grows. His bottom line is that any coach working for him prioritizes the mental improvement of clients as they gain more confidence. These coaches should feel rewarded for seeing people break out of their shells. Additionally, he wants to show his son that you can do what you love, make a good living, and change lives in the process. He’s a family man, and his job is just another way to connect better with his family because it’s what he’s passionate about. OviPhysiques is built on the steady foundation of believing that people have immense potential within. He wants his clients to know that they can reach any fitness goal they set their minds to, and he emphasizes that motivation is short term, but consistency is what makes people feel motivated day after day, year after year. Contact Ovi if you’re ready to transform your body and mindset. 


Published by: Khy Talara

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