March 28, 2025
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TikTok Star and Kevin Hart Impressionist Suave Xavier Pegues Sheds Light on His Impressive Career

Comedians have always been one of the staples in entertainment, and one of the most important assets in comedy is imitation. Some of the most successful individuals in Hollywood today are comedians who have established their names on stage, where they showcased their talent through imitating other people in entertainment. With video streaming platforms and social media, some genuinely talented people have showcased their ability to imitate others.

Suave Xavier Pegues is an established name on the video streaming platform TikTok. He is known for creating entertaining content with his dog Knox and his perfect imitation of Kevin Hart’s voice for prank phone calls. 

Before coming out on his own, Suave played college football for over a year before he caught turf toe, effectively ending his career. He thought that football was his ticket to success, but Suave learned to shift his focus. He later graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. At the time, Suave’s goal was to become an FBI agent.

“Growing up, I used to always watch cops along with crime scene shows,” explained the influencer. “I love the respect that officers got, so it made me want to pursue a career in that.”

Suave Pegues joined TikTok during the pandemic, producing content that gained him 11.5 million followers. Many of the followers were impressed by his voice impressions, particularly his Kevin Hart prank calls. While other imitators spent their time practicing, Suave found his ability in a comical fashion.

“The story of how I began to talk like Kevin Hart came from choking on a Taki chip,” he shared. “I was watching TV and choked on a taki and ran to the bathroom to cough it out and sounded exactly like Kevin. Ever since then, I’ve been able to impersonate the voice and use it to my advantage by sharing it with my audience.”

Suave got his big break when he did a prank call talking like Kevin Hart. The video went viral, and he received a call from the producers of The Ellen Show. Still, one of the greatest honors the influencer received was one of Kevin Hart’s biggest and closest friends, Dwayne the Rock Johnson, posting his video on Instagram.

Since then, the influencer has continued to grow his brand, motivated by the fact that he is the first person from his town to do something incredible. “There has never been anyone like me from my city/county to make out in such a way like this,” elaborated Suave. “I can’t wait until I’m able to be in a position to take care of my family and friends who have been there for me since I started this journey.”

Although he has already cemented his place as one of the best content creators, Suave Pegues is hoping he can take his career to the next level with the goal of making it as an actor or TV host. Inspired by Denzel Washington, Kevin Hart, Martin Lawrence, Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, and Leonardo Dicaprio, the content creator hopes to join the film industry as his next endeavor.

“I want to do what I love to do most, which is making people laugh while educating them at the same time. I want to work with some of my favorite actors and meet some of the people I used to look up to as a kid,” he revealed. “I’m a firm believer in that if you speak things into existence with the right mindset and determination, then anything is possible.”


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