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Tony Delgado’s Journey of Hustle, Tech, and Transformation

Tony Delgado’s Journey of Hustle, Tech, and Transformation
Photo Courtesy: Tony Delgado

Before Tony Delgado became a multimillionaire tech entrepreneur, he was just a young hustler with a passion for finding ways to make money. At the age of 16, Delgado was already using the internet to sell mixtapes on platforms like eBay and Amazon. What started as a small side hustle, burning and selling CDs, quickly became a lucrative operation. Delgado realized the power of leveraging online platforms to reach a global audience, and his entrepreneurial journey was born.

From the beginning, Delgado was never afraid of hard work. His hustler mindset and sharp instinct for identifying opportunities allowed him to scale his mixtape sales. This early experience taught him the fundamentals of e-commerce and the power of scaling a business through the internet. These lessons would eventually serve as the foundation for his future success in the digital world.

Building a Multimillion-Dollar Empire

Delgado’s journey didn’t stop at mixtapes. His natural talent for tech and business pushed him to explore new ventures, and in 2009, he launched his first seven-figure online business. This success was a turning point for Delgado, who began to see the potential of digital entrepreneurship. Over the next few years, Delgado would build multiple online and software-based businesses, each one more successful than the last.

His ventures included launching online publications, content aggregators, and video-sharing sites, all of which were monetized using Google Advertising and Amazon Affiliate Marketing. These businesses allowed Delgado to scale his wealth and gave him the flexibility and freedom that traditional employment couldn’t offer. Delgado’s strategy was simple: use technology to automate as much of the business as possible, allowing him to create passive income streams that worked around the clock.

Winning Hackathons and Earning Industry Respect

Delgado’s talents weren’t limited to business. As a self-taught coder, he began participating in hackathons—competitions where developers come together to solve complex problems quickly. Delgado’s skills as a coder quickly earned him recognition in the tech world, as he won numerous hackathons sponsored by major corporations like Google, IBM, and Microsoft.

These achievements boosted Delgado’s credibility and positioned him as a force to be reckoned with in the tech industry. Winning these competitions not only earned him respect in the professional developer community but also opened doors to lucrative opportunities. One of those doors was a lead developer role at Websignia, a digital marketing agency where Delgado continued to hone his skills and build his reputation.

Shifting Focus: From Personal Success to Social Impact

Despite his early success, Delgado felt a pull to do more than just build wealth for himself. 2017 after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Delgado shifted his focus to social impact. He moved to the island full-time, leaving behind his role as the CTO of Fownders, a tech accelerator he co-founded with Gerard Adams, to focus on helping rebuild Puerto Rico’s economy.

Delgado’s vision was clear: he wanted to use his knowledge and experience in tech and entrepreneurship to empower the people of Puerto Rico. In 2018, he founded Disrupt University, an online platform designed to teach digital skills and entrepreneurship to young people across the island. Delgado saw the potential for Puerto Rico to become a hub for tech innovation, and through Disrupt University, he began providing the tools and education necessary for others to follow in his footsteps.

Turning Puerto Rico Into a Tech Hub

Delgado’s long-term goal is to turn Puerto Rico into a global tech hub. Through initiatives like Disrupt Week, a seven-day festival that brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and tech leaders from around the world, Delgado is creating opportunities for local talent to connect with global influencers. Disrupt Week offers workshops, talks, and networking events designed to foster collaboration and innovation, giving Puerto Rican entrepreneurs the platform they need to succeed.

Delgado’s belief is that entrepreneurship can serve as a vehicle for social change. By teaching others how to build their own businesses, Delgado is empowering them to create financial independence and contribute to the island’s economic recovery. His work through Disrupt University and Disrupt Week is laying the foundation for a new generation of tech leaders who will shape Puerto Rico’s future​.

Tony Delgado’s journey from selling mixtapes as a teenager to becoming a multimillionaire entrepreneur is a testament to the power of hustle, technology, and resilience. What started as a small side hustle has transformed into a mission to change lives and empower others through education and entrepreneurship. Delgado’s ability to leverage the internet to build wealth has brought him personal success and helped shape the future of Puerto Rico’s economy.

Through his work with Disrupt University and Latino Wall Street, Delgado is ensuring that others can follow the same path to financial freedom. His story serves as a powerful reminder that with the right mindset and the right tools, anyone can turn their dreams into reality.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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