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6 Easy and Fun Ways to Bolster Your Children’s Health

As a parent, you want your children to grow up happy and healthy. But trying to convince kids to eat their greens and get off the couch can feel like an uphill battle.

Reduce resistance and make wellness something they enjoy by focusing on fun ways to move and eat right. Not sure how to make healthy living feel fun for kids? Check out the following tips for a bit of inspiration. 

  1. Invest in Health-Promoting Gadgets 

It’s hard to get your kids to exercise when their eyes are glued to a screen. However, telling them that they have to ditch the tech and play outside may feel like a punishment. So instead, invest in gadgets that cater to their love of tech and encourage exercise. 

You can use technology to get your kids outside by gamifying movement. For example, a smartwatch for kids counts steps and notifies children once they’ve reached their goal. In addition, some devices offer rewards like coins for reaching a specific step count, providing even more incentive to move. 

  1. Walk a Shelter Dog 

Has your kid been begging for a furry friend? Meet adoptable dogs and get some exercise by volunteering to walk dogs with your kids at your local animal shelter. Doing so will teach your children about the responsibilities of pet ownership while also getting them moving outside. 

Many animal shelters have age restrictions for volunteers, so it’s essential to call your local shelter and learn their age requirements. Some will let kids as young as ten volunteer, while others require that dog walkers be at least teenagers. If your children are too young to volunteer at the shelter, offer to walk the dog of an elderly neighbor. Many seniors enjoy the company of their canine companions but aren’t physically able to exercise them. 

  1. Download Apps That Make Kids Move 

Tweens and teens in the United States spend over seven hours a day looking at screens which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle that may cause physical and mental health problems. So how do you encourage a phone-loving kid to get up and move? You download an app. 

Smartphone games like Pokemon GO encourage kids to get outside and walk around looking for “pocket monsters.” However, other apps contain immersive stories if catching Pokemon isn’t your kid’s thing. These stories require listeners to keep moving if they want to progress through the tale. 

If you have a particularly competitive child, try downloading an activity tracker that encourages a movement competition between them and their friends. But, of course, they’ll want to keep moving to stay on top of the leaderboard! 

  1. Visit Your Local Farmers Market 

Do your kids love candy, chips, and other packaged foods? While these treats are fine on occasion, eating a diet composed of too many processed snacks comes with health risks. Children with an ultra-processed diet are at increased risk for obesity, nutrient deficiencies, and diseases like diabetes. But how do you get your child to eat well if they think healthy foods are bland?

Bringing your kids to your local farmer’s market can help educate them about whole foods in a fun and engaging way. Give your children a few dollars and let them pick out some items that interest them. You may find that they’re more excited to try new fruits and vegetables when they choose their produce. 

  1. Watch Kids Cooking Videos 

Once you’ve finished shopping at the farmers market, it’s time to prepare what you’ve purchased; This is an excellent opportunity to get your kids in the kitchen and teach them how to cook a meal. Research shows that children who cook are more likely to choose healthy eating than those who don’t. So toss your kids an apron and get ready to meal prep. 

It’s no secret that kids love YouTube. So why not include something they enjoy in the cooking process? There are tons of creative YouTube cooking channels designed for children. Have your kid pick out a video and follow along as you cook. Pairing cooking with something they already love will make this new habit more enjoyable and excite them to cook in the future. 

  1. Learn a New Dance 

If you have a teen or tween, you’ve doubtless heard of TikTok. This short-form video app features everything from cute animal videos to DIY project videos. But some of the app’s most popular content is its dance videos. 

Since TikTok gained popularity, parents have joined their kids on the app to learn and record their funky moves. So the next time your child scans TikTok, let them know you’d like to learn a dance. While it might sound silly, it’s a fun way to get them — and you — moving. 

Parents of younger children can still join in on the fun. Instead of relying on TikTok for inspiration, watch dance videos on YouTube. From an early age, encouraging the love for dancing can help your child develop strength, stamina, and flexibility.  

Make Healthy Living Fun

Developing healthy habits early in your child’s life is essential if you want your children to live happy lives. For example, showing kids that broccoli can taste good and movement can feel like play sets the framework for a healthy lifestyle.

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