May 11, 2024
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An Homage to Walter Mercado

Happy New Year! My oh my, have we been put through the ringer in 2020. Luckily, 2021 isn’t as GNARLY as 2020, but we are not out of the woods yet. I chose to do this horoscope to pay homage to the legendary Walter Mercado, who paved the way for me and so many like myself who love astrology mysticism. Most importantly people, we, the collective, have a Mars / Uranus square with Saturn and Jupiter, Eclipse Season, and a big Venus Rx conjunct Pluto ahead of us in these next 12 months. What does that all mean? Read your short year ahead horoscope to guide you.

Aries: 3/21-4/19

2021 gives you a sigh of relief. After having a Mars RX in your sign last fall, you are all systems go.Finally! Especially without the burden of Saturn and Jupiter in your house of career. This year Jupiter and Saturn will be in your 11th house of social groups and social media. There is power in collaboration. Build up your social network; you may even become an influencer by year’s end. In 2021 you can finally put your best foot forward with the harsh lessons you’ve learned in your career and in public in terms of strategy, persistence, and patience. Jupiter will be transiting your house of the subconscious from May through July. Some much-needed “me time” will spark your sense of inspiration that will give you a glimpse into the endless possibilities and potential of 2022. Venus retrograde at the end of 2021 will force you to do some last-minute shadow work in terms of image to find out what it is you really want and desire. Your tarot card for the year is two of pentacles. You must make a choice this year with regard to what’s really important. You will receive a message in writing, giving you an ultimatum between the two choices. This will lighten your load so you will be able to accomplish more with greater passion and attention to detail. In 2021 wear red and black more to assert power and dominance. Your day of the week is Tuesday as Mars is your ruling planet. On this day, light red or gray candles and read the 41st Psalm into the flame for victory in all you do.

Taurus: 4/20-5/20

Dearest Taurus, you kind of start the year with a bang. Not exactly in a good way but in a roundabout sense. It forces you to figure out what’s best for everyone in your inner circle. The challenge comes from how you see the world, your relationship to it, and how it transpires to your career and public image. This tug of war will last up until springtime; however, it does lead to positive revelations and epiphanies. Mars will enter your sign on January 6th, requiring you to stand up for yourself and work to build a steady foundation. Saturn in your 10th house and Uranus in your 1st house will force a revolution between who you are and what you do professionally. Having Uranus, the planet of innovation, freedom, and science in your sign as well as an upcoming eclipse cycle will have you undergo a major image overhaul this year. In April, Mercury and Venus meet up in your sign, making it easier for you to voice your needs, wants, and desires to the one who holds your affection. Speak it into existence. This spring, Taurus, you will end 2021 having to deal with a longing desire for new experiences on some far-off destination that may have you second-guessing your inner philosophy. Your tarot card for the year is 7 of swords. This asks you to avoid the fray. Stay above the drama and escape to a better, more suiting situation. Take action on things that lead you to a better situation. Turn negatives into positives, and be your own personal Kris Jenner. Your day of the week is Friday as Venus is your planetary ruler. Light white or red candles on Friday and pray Psalm 28 into the flame before sundown on Fridays for better opportunities in business and open paths.

Gemini 5/21-6/20

Happy new year, Gemini. As the grueling eclipse cycle gets well underway and comes to an eventual close, you will get to a point where you look back and think, “Why me?” and “How did it get this way?” We start things out with pop astrology’s favorite prankster, Mercury retrograde making its way backward in your sign, forcing you to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Watch your words leading into spring, double and triple check any agreements you sign.There will be 3 times between February and December where Uranus and Saturn will square off. This will be a time to let go of what holds you back and blocks your full potential. With the eclipses happening in the summer and Jupiter squaring your house of career and public image, you’ll be tested and challenged to look at life in a new way. Eclipse season will bring the unexpected. You may either get a call about a breakup or a business deal with the nodes aspecting your 1st and 7th houses. Eclipse season gives you a great chance for a visibility upgrade. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, Gemini. Your tarot card of the year is two of wands. Think about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of what you are looking to accomplish this year, Gemini. Think about what it will take, and adequately plan it out. Be willing to go the distance. Your day of the week is Wednesday as Mercury is your planetary ruler. On this day, take a white or yellow candle and pray Isaiah 43 into the flame to open your paths and declare gratitude in advance for the work you will accomplish this year.

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Cancer! Cancer! Cancer! What can I say? What a wild three years it has been. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all opposing you on a soul level and Chiron in Aries, the universe has been solely about hitting below the belt. Luckily, 2021 is about recovery for you. You still will have Venus retrograde and with Pluto in Capricorn in the mix, forcing you to face your fears and see yourself and your desires in friendship and partnership for what they truly are. But that’s not until the end of the year. Most of 2021 is about you seeing the forest for the trees. Saturn squares off with Uranus, forcing you to figure out where you stand with friends and lovers and the like. It’s a big push and pull that will help you figure out if you are getting your just due in these ties with others. The Eclipse in November may bring about a harsh end to a friendship. While going through the motions of this, try to focus on your own growth and all around glow-up. With COVID restrictions expected to lighten up (temporarily) around summer, treat yourself to an extended vacation from May through July to recharge. Your tarot card for the year is 5 of pentacles reversed. You have seen some things and been through the ringer, but it is all turning around. Better days are ahead, but keep in mind that asking for what you want instead of assuming others can read your mind will get you a long way. Monday is your day of the week as the moon is your planetary ruler. On this day, pray Psalm 78 into the flame of a purple candle before sundown to enable stronger intuition and bless the tools you work with to bring what you want to fruition.

 Leo 7/23-8/22

So…Leo…about 2021. This year is all about you stopping the process of acting like challenges are not inherently challenging because of being comfortable with reality and stagnation. You may have watched many of your friends be put through the ringer, and it’s not to say that 2021 will be a terrible year but more so the year in which you begin your hero origin story. With Saturn and Jupiter in your house of other  people, partnerships and relationships much of your usual focus will be marred by the dramas of others. Pace yourself and commit toward really getting to the bottom of things in terms of the dynamics of your relationships. Jupiter will briefly transit your 8th house of other people’s money and resources giving you a pull in terms of padding your pockets in the summer. Don’t let your enthusiasm run away with you though, Leo. It’s only a preview of 2022, so spend wisely and save as much as you see blessings coming your way. Something to look forward to will be opportunities to work with others in terms of resources and building up your financial foundation will keep you in the spotlight. Your tarot card for the year is five of cups. This year you will experience some losses and some sacrifices; however, your attitude and ability to look past and look forward will be your ultimate strength. Your day of the week is Sunday. On this day, when you can, light an orange or yellow candle and pray 1 Timothy 6;17-19 into the flame before sundown to bring luck and turn around in the face of adversity.

 Virgo 8/23-9/22

Happy New Year, Virgo! Boy are you in for an adventure. Possibly a summer romance that will have you feeling swept away. Venus and Mars will swing through your sign from July through August with dreamy Jupiter in Pisces broadening your horizons and giving your partnership sector the leg room it needs. With Venus transiting your 5th house of romance and creativity November through March (with a retrograde might I add), you will get the green light to let your freak flag fly. Saturn and Jupiter will be transiting your 6th house of daily routines: health, pets, and wellness. This year, that to-do list will give you the leg room you’ve been looking for. Growth, albeit slow, will be the name of the game the more you commit to your self-care regimen and daily check-ins. Venus transiting your 5th house from fall well into 2022 will see you reconfiguring your creative pursuits or looking at romance and “family planning” in a whole new light. Your tarot card for the year is the sun card. This promises growth vitality and success, but the downside is that with that can come burnout. Don’t overextend yourself this year. Get rest when necessary in the face of your accomplishments. You will thank yourself, and so will everyone else. Mercury is your planetary ruler, so your day of the week is Wednesday. On this day, pray Ephesians 2:10 into the flame of a white or green candle to keep poverty away and maintain responsibility.

 Libra 9/23-10/22

Whew! Libra! Have you been going through it these past few years. Luckily in 2021 you can somewhat let your belly out. For the most part. There will be a major tug of war between Mars and Uranus in your 8th house (of other people’s resources, inheritances, occultism, secrets, death, and taxes) and your 5th house (of romance, creativity, hobbies, and pleasure). This standoff will feel like that couple that fights all the time and breaks up and makes up several times a day. Think Sammi and Ronnie from Jersey Shore. Making up your mind between what brings you joy and handling business in terms of money, loans, and whatnot will be the ultimate maturity push you need to lead you into summer. This is a good year to look into making passive income. Trust me it will be worth it by the end of the year. Venus, your planetary ruler, will be in your 4th house from fall through spring, giving you a time to really focus on correcting and cultivating strong relations with those you love back home. Retrograde forces you to take a closer look and do some shadow work with family and your living situation. Your tarot card for the year is King of Pentacles reversed. This is all about money and possessions and “things” having too much control over you due to lack of planning and strategy persistence. You can get on top of these matters by pacing yourself and possible mentorship with those who have experience in the things you don’t have experience in. Venus is your planetary ruler, which means Friday is your day of the week. On this day, pray Psalm 32 into the flame of a white or blue candle to gain blessings.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21

My fellow Scorpio. This year will have us looking at everyone else’s house fire and asking whether or not we jump in and help or monitor our output of resources. Saturn and Jupiter will be transiting our 4th house of home and family, forcing us to plant seeds and nurture the boundaries we put in place in terms of our family and home life. Investing in property may not be a bad idea if you can make it happen. However, understand no matter how new the property is, it will still be a fixer-upper. With squares from Mars and Uranus starting out the year, there will be a major standoff with the ones you love and where you lay your head at night. Long-term investment is the name of the game. Come summer, look forward to sexcapades galore as Jupiter transits the 5th house in Pisces between May and July. Eclipses in 2021 happening in your  health, wellness, and subconscious as they activate your 6 and 12th houses and even your 7th house of partnerships, preparing you for 2022, asking you to get ready mentally and physically for relationship changes. Your tarot card of the year is the wheel of fortune reversed. This card is all about certain cycles and lessons repeating themselves until you can really apply the lessons to what you are doing and move past obstacles with a can do mindset instead of a fear-based mindset. Your planetary ruler is Mars, which makes Tuesday your day of the week. Use a black or red candle to pray Dueteronomy 28 into the flame of the candle on this day to open your paths and pad your pockets so you can accomplish what you need to this year.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

Welcome to 2021, Sagittarius! Jupiter, your planetary ruler, will be linking up (again! kinda) with sober sally Saturn in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, sales, skills, short-distance trips, and neighbourhood this year, asking you to pace yourself, plant seeds, and act in gratitude. Oftentimes, Sagittarius, people rag on you for toxic positivity, but this year, an ability to look at the brightside after 2020 will land you plenty of soap box moments and frequently make you “mouthpiece of the movement.” The eclipse season will land you quite the collaborative efforts, whether that be in love and romance or friendship and coworkers. Your relations with other people will definitely be a page turner in this chapter of your life. Summer will see relations with family and home brighten up. Take advantage of the magic in the air during the summer. It will be a preview of things to come and ways you can expand your reach in years to come. Venus transiting your 2nd house of money (with a retrograde thrown in) will have you reevaluating the harsh lessons you’ve learned about money these past few years. Leading into 2022 you’ll be asking yourself in many ways, “Is it worth it?” Your tarot card of the year is two of the cups reversed. This is the card of “things fall apart,” but through this, the right things can fall into place. This year you may see separations and parts of your life being polarized, but through this, regeneration and reinvention can happen. Sometimes when it comes to the things you love, that love can change shape. Your planetary ruler is Jupiter, which makes your day of the week Thursday. Pray Colossians 3:22-23 for increase and keeping the faith.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

Well, well, well, Capricorn, you made it out the other side of the tunnel. Didn’t it feel like forever? Like no matter how many blows you took, another one was about to hit you soon as you came up for air? Well, Capricorn, I’m here to say you’ve made it. You start 2021 with a square happening between Uranus, making a square to your planetary ruler Saturn along with Jupiter in Aquarius aspecting your 2nd house, This will be like a food fight between your houses of money and pleasure. On a collective level, we will all feel the sting of this transit. A sobering situation to somewhat clean up and clear the air of the mess that was 2020. This exact transit will happen 3 times over the next year, but I’ll just say it starts the year off with bang. By the 3rd time it happens in December, it will have a very “You again?” energy. All this buzz will require you to raise your rate and profile and be more “out there,” even if we are cooped up in quarantine. Jupiter diving in your 3rd house between May and July will force you to speak up for what you want. Finishing out the year with Venus in your sign (even going retrograde) will help you learn self-appreciation more. Your self-esteem needs it after the couple years you’ve been through. Your tarot card for the year is the star card. This is optimism and spiritual protection. The future looks bright because you have made the necessary steps based on trusting your intuition. Saturn is your planetary ruler, which makes Saturday your day of the week. On this day pray Ephesians 1:19-20 for keeping your energy (spiritual and physical) reserves high.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

Aquarius, you are the star of the show this year. It’s like on I Love Lucy when Lucy begs Ricki to be in the show and the moment she gets on stage, she freezes. That! Except with this year, you eventually get the rhythm of the band and eventually become band leader. Sort of. We’ll get to that. So the reason I say you are the star of the show is because since December 21st Saturn (your traditional ruling planet) and Jupiter are conjunct in your house of self, appearance, how you see the world, and how others see you. This is initiating a cycle of slow but steady powerful change that leads to prominence. For three times this year, these two planets will make a square to Mars and Uranus in your 4th house of home and family. These relationships struggles will ultimately push you to figure out what your needs are in comparison to the needs of your loved ones and what’s best for everyone involved. At least that’s the conclusion. On February 11th, you get a powerful New Moon in your house of self, bringing forth a sea change to your existence. Eclipse season will usher in a new wave of romantic interests come summer time, but you will be so self-improvement focused that you will more than likely get sidetracked with romance. May through July greets you with money opportunities as Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, makes its way through your 2nd house of money and possessions. Ending the year with Venus sitting in your 12th house of sacrifice and subconscious through early 2022, you’ll be ready for a spiritual retreat to keep you energized for all the self-work you’ve been doing. Your tarot card for the year is 6 of pentacles. This card is all about generosity and giving to others. Very in alignment with your natural humanitarian nature. Make sure that your causes have purpose and heart and the energy and resources you give out are in fact just causes. Saturn is your planetary ruler, which makes Saturday your day of the week. On this day, pray Matthew 11:28-30 into a white or gray candle for when you feel the load you carry may be too heavy.

Pisces 2/19-3/20

Hello, Pisces! This year Jupiter and Saturn meet up in your 12th house, the sector of dreams, subconscious, and the soul, forcing you to do some long-term healing. Plan a retreat for yourself even if you don’t decide to go. The whimsical fantasy will send you on a much-needed trip to repair past issues, microaggressions, and personal defeat. Venus and Mars will be in Virgo in your 7th house of relationships between July and September. This could lead you to a soul mate situation or a dreamy sexy affair. Come summertime, specifically May through July, you will be asking for some space. This may confuse others and create issues with loved ones, but come fall, things will fall into place for you to make your “why” clear. A Mars/Saturn square is happening between 3rd house and 12th house. There will be a face off in between your subconscious and communication. Fight for your rights to get lost in fantasy and speak it into existence.

With the Eclipses happening in your career and success sector, your manifestations will be energized. Your tarot card for 2021 is Knight of Pentacles. This is all about knowing the work you have done was not done in vain and being prepared and ready for the work ahead you must do. This applies to spiritual work but also within your lifestyle. 2021 wants you to specialize in results! Jupiter is your traditional planetary ruler, so on Thursdays, pray into a blue or white candle flame. Use Psalm 25:9 for when you need direction.  

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