May 15, 2024
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Carmelo Rodriguez Inspires Others to Move Past Adversities and Live a Fulfilled Life Through His Highly-Acclaimed Books

Victors who have reached the summit all had to start at ground zero. These people have overcome many obstacles, earned their marks, and dominated their respective fields. Still, the fact remains that their success was a long and arduous journey and did not happen overnight. Carmelo Rodriguez is an individual driving home that stark and humble beginnings can still lead to a life of triumph.

Carmelo Rodriguez is a military veteran, negotiation specialist, celebrated author, motivational speaker, and confidence coach, making an impact in the lives of many. Carmelo delights in sharing his journey with others, encouraging them to live up to their potential despite life obstacles. “I didn’t come this far only to come this far, and neither did you,” he says. 

Now a beacon of hope and positivity to those who despair, Carmelo’s life was not a bed of roses. He was a combat veteran who had been mistakenly declared dead after returning from a deployment in Iraq. Although this mistake was common and happened to over 4,000 veterans, Carmelo’s situation was not just a minor curveball; it was the beginning of a tale of woes. 

Even though he could prove he was alive and well, his death certificate was confirmed, and before long, the IRS and Social Security followed suit. As a result of the situation, he lost all of his veteran benefits, and his bank accounts were frozen. The cascade of events led to a decline in Carmelo’s mental health, and the former military personnel found himself shut in his apartment, self-medicating for days on end. “I found myself in a nightmare worse than anything I had experienced in combat,” he said. 

Despite his already horrid situation, life was not done dealing with Carmelo. During a hospital visit, he learned that he had perforated lungs due to the burn pits in Iraq. Although this series of unfortunate events is enough to crush a lesser man, Carmelo Rodriguez was no ordinary man. So he decided to rise from the ashes and reinvent himself with a brilliant strategy he documented in his memoir titled; Dead Soldier: A Story of the Living.

Driven by his desire for knowledge, he completed dozens of post-graduate certifications in risk management, conflict management, and corporate crisis management. He holds a B.A. in Criminal Justice, has degrees in Negotiations from Harvard Business School, and is currently a candidate for his Ph.D. In 2020. The go-getter was nominated for a Ted talk and was announced among the top 20 most influential persons for his unique story and how he has managed to rise from the dead, change his life, and encourage others to do the same. His watchword “I didn’t come this far only to come this far” embodies his resilience in the face of adversity.  

Unstoppable now, the inspiring individual has authored 15 books in different genres. His latest project, titled SMILE: based on true events, is a crime mystery and horror story that takes readers through winding twists and turns to escape their reality and explore through the imagination of others. The book is set to launch on October 31, 2022.

When asked about the secret behind his indomitable spirit, he said: “My secret is simple: I put in the work.” As Carmelo Rodriguez continues to weave stories and inspire others, he hopes that others overcome obstacles and reach the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. 

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