In the day and age where everything is so easy to fake for likes, views, and validation, dating coach Charlene Byars warns against the harm of faking who you are when looking to make genuine connections. Unlike most relationship gurus that provide typical tips, tricks, and gimmicks to ‘attract men,’ Charlene’s approach to giving dating guidance is a deeper and transformational procedure that involves diving into one’s past hurts to realize their most authentic self.
Charlene’s coaching advice discourages women from changing themselves to attract ‘the right man.’ She thinks this is an inefficient process that only leads to more heartbreak. In addition, when women ‘fake it’ and don’t show up as their true selves, they’re more prone to attracting people that aren’t a proper match for them, and Charlene’s program is not looking to do that. “Our market is successful, single women who are fed up with attracting the wrong men and are ready for something different that lights them up. We want to help those that are ready for change,” Charlene shared.
The first thing you see on The Byars Company website is their solemn declaration to “help single, successful women attract devoted, masculine men.” But how exactly does Charlene, a certified leader of women and empowerment coach, reach this goal?
With their innovative programs, tools, coaching services and events that aid women committed to growth and sustainable change, Charlene can take relationship development to new heights. By creating courses and coaching programs to help women achieve their personal growth goals, Charlene shifts the focus towards bettering oneself to better one’s relationships.
Her most popular course is called “Chosen,” which aims to make women feel chosen and deeply desired by great men. It achieves this by helping women heal from past heartbreaks and breakups to find true alignment with romantic partners. With these wounds addressed at the root, her clients’ progress is empowering and transformative.
“Our programs are unique because they are designed to change how people approach dating,” Charlene expounds. Meant to teach people how to manage their romantic relationships, the courses and sessions that they offer help women attract their ‘soul-aligned partner.’
Her Aligned Partner Attraction formula focuses on bringing out women’s most authentic selves to attract the type of men they actually want to date. This formula is governed by four key principles that Charlene guides her clients through so that they can make their dream relationship possible. All this effort is put in because she believes that every person deserves great love if it’s what they long for. “It doesn’t matter what they’ve experienced in the past or how old or young they are,” Charlene adds.
Ultimately, The Byars Company exists to guide women in the journey towards better relationships with themselves. It is only through this path – unlearning past relationship patterns, embodying their feminine essence, and learning that dating is all about showing up as your true, authentic self – that women will be able to build the relationship they truly desire with a partner that suits them best and meets all of their needs.