Delta Animal Sanctuary, also known as DELTA Rescue, is a renowned animal sanctuary located just an hour outside of Los Angeles. It is the largest “No Kill, Care-for-Life” animal sanctuary of its kind in the world. Founded by Leo Grillo, an actor, passionate conservationist, and animal welfare activist, Delta Rescue has become a haven for abandoned cats and dogs, providing them with a loving and secure home.
Leo Grillo, considered an expert in the field of animal rescue by U.S. county, state, and federal agencies, established Delta Rescue with a mission to care for animals that have been abandoned and left to suffer. The sanctuary is home to over 1,500 cats and dogs, offering them a safe and comfortable environment where they can live out their lives with love and dignity.
In addition to Delta Rescue, Leo Grillo also founded the national horse rescue group called “Horse Rescue of America.” His dedication to animal welfare extends beyond the sanctuary, as he works tirelessly to protect and provide for animals in need.
Delta Sanctuary has not only gained recognition for its compassionate care but has also become a retreat for influencers and celebrities seeking respite from the city. The sanctuary’s wide-open property offers a peaceful escape where visitors can immerse themselves in the love and gratitude of the animals. Influencers like Mystic Zach Hirsch and comedian Torry Hermann have recently visited Delta Sanctuary and expressed their admiration for the bulldogs residing there.
While Delta Sanctuary has long been a hidden gem for those in the entertainment industry, it is now opening its doors to the public, inviting animal lovers to experience the joy and serenity that comes from being surrounded by grateful animals. The sanctuary’s commitment to providing lifelong care for abandoned animals is at the heart of its mission.
To learn more about Delta Animal Sanctuary and their work, you can visit their official website at They also have a YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Instagram account where you can stay updated on their activities and the heartwarming stories of the animals they rescue.
Delta Animal Sanctuary stands as a symbol of compassion and hope, offering a safe haven for animals in need and reminding us of the importance of kindness towards all living beings. Through their dedication and care, they are making a significant impact in the lives of abandoned animals and inspiring others to join the cause of animal welfare.