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Edoardo Novello’s Humanistic Storytelling Impacts US Cinema

Edoardo Novello's Humanistic Storytelling Impacts US Cinema
Photo Courtesy: Edoardo Novello / Stefano Dos Santos

By: Gladys Garcia 

The influential film producer and ambitious storyteller Edoardo Novello has significantly impacted the American film industry through his unique approach to filmmaking. Over the past five years, Novello has cemented his reputation as a leading freelance producer in Los Angeles, contributing to various projects, from short films to high-scope feature films and on-demand content. His journey in the United States has been successful and rewarding. Still, it has also shaped his vision and strengthened his resolve to bring more family-centered stories to the independent film market.

Since arriving in Los Angeles in 2021, Novello has worked as a freelance producer, managing documentaries, advertisements, and online short-form content. He has expertly handled logistics, financial paperwork, permits, budgets, and crew hiring while supervising productions for high-profile clients like WISH Institute, DramaBox, GoodShort, Prem Group Entertainment, and The Bad Kids Productions.

In his words, Novello shares the rewarding aspects of working in Los Angeles:

“It has been a very successful yet challenging journey. Over the last few years, I have worked on many projects and learnt from every production I worked on, was it documentary or feature films and shows. Each has taken a special place in my heart.”

As Unit Production Manager and 1st Assistant Director for Trenchez 2 with 26 Point Two Miles Entertainment LLC, Edoardo was pivotal in ensuring a cohesive production. He was instrumental in connecting film departments and creating detailed shooting schedules, calendars, stripboards, and cast related documents. Additionally, he oversaw the management of budgets and cash flows to ensure the production stayed on track.

During his tenure as the producer for The American Terrorist with Amerter LLC, Novello oversaw the entire production process. He demonstrated exceptional leadership by hiring crew members, securing locations, and managing the financial side. His meticulous planning ensured that the project adhered to logistical and budgetary frameworks by developing strong pre and post-production calendars that provided a guide to the production path.

Most of his industry knowledge comes from the successful partnership with Access Two Ltd, where he worked as assistant to the director for the feature film Little Miss Sociopath, shadowing them while performing on set 1st AD duties. He booked meetings, took production notes, oversaw production schedules and calendars, and facilitated interdepartmental communication to ensure seamless collaboration across different departments.

Novello attributes much of his success to the supportive and passionate crews he works with in Los Angeles: “The difference that strikes me the most between working here and in Italy is mostly the size of productions and the art involved in making films. Here in Los Angeles, the crews are extremely passionate about what they do and work tirelessly to bring films to life. They all put their heart in the jobs they take.”

Beyond technical skills, Novello’s vision is to enrich the independent film market with family-centered stories. His specialization in family dramas and adeptness in marketing these works were validated when one of his recent projects won the Hollywood Gold Awards Film Festival. A final proof of how his believes, his passion, skills, and knowledge can significantly impact the industry.

“I am already in contact with several directors and screenwriters and am currently working on developing original feature film family dramas. These new projects will bring a fresh wave to the film community. Ultimately, my main goal is to help the American industry grow even more and become more conscious of the problems of everyday citizens and how vital our family relationships are in our lives.”

Edoardo Novello has established himself as a film producer with a distinctive storytelling approach and a global perspective that blends European artistic influences with the innovation of American filmmaking. His profound understanding of human relationships’ emotional and psychological depths and his commitment to bringing family-centered stories to life make him a valuable voice in the global cinematic landscape.


Published by: Khy Talara

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