July 26, 2024
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Written by: Tedfuel

If the global pandemic taught the world one thing, it is that without the internet, we would never interact with each other anymore. The disastrous effects of the pandemic were seen across the world; causing most industries to completely halt. One of those was the entertainment industry. This had many people turning to social media outlets all over the world for entertainment. While platforms like Instagram and Facebook have turned into a seller’s market, platforms like TikTok and Youtube have appealed to users as sources of mainstream entertainment; producing some of the biggest stars on the planet. These social media platforms have launched very select people into the spotlight.

One of these rising talents is Lilly Dennis, who already had ten-plus years working as an actor under her belt, and in 2021 TikTok launched her into a new stratosphere. In under a year, the comedic actress has gained hundreds of thousands of followers; which is viral growth at its finest. Her videos have millions of views, and as a result, she now has fans all across the world. Her content circles around comedy skits, entertaining characters, and highly engaging storylines. This type of unique, and engaging content is something the platform was lacking mid-pandemic.

TikTok has over 3 billion downloads across the world. The media app has something for everyone. However, it’s the creators that find themselves fulfilling a unique gap in types of content that shoot to fame quickly. This is exactly what this acclaimed actor did. However, it comes as no surprise that the hilarious and entertaining videos starring Dennis garnered millions of views in a matter of months. When you take a closer look at the actress, you will find over a decade of classical training, esteemed awards, and broadway success, and she has worked with some of the most acclaimed names in the entertainment industry.

This Australian actress has had a long-standing successful broadway show, Chocoholic, win multiple awards for its success. In 2019 the solo show starring Dennis was awarded Best Solo Show by the biggest solo theater festival in the world. Then when the show returned post-pandemic, a time when Broadway was struggling to get people through the doors, the show returned and was an immediate hit yet again being awarded Best Encore Show. After digging deeper into this, it comes as no shock that Chocoholic will be returning to the famous Theater Row in New York later in 2022, and is already making headlines yet again.

Tiktok has thrust a select few into the limelight; while this particular TikTok star stands out due to her already international fame in the entertainment industry, she has only gained more global fame due to her presence on the platform. The rapidly growing fanbase of this young star continues to grow, and Lilly is definitely on our watch list for the next big star.

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