April 19, 2024
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Jean Fallacara: The man who created first human optimization workout programs based on neuroscience

In a perfect world in which the fitness industry constantly advances, where there are people on board, eager to invest in those advances to keep the improvement going, Jean Fallacara is not just another fitness expert tinkering in the fitness lab. Fallacara is the man behind Cyborggainz, an organization that has developed the first human optimization platform that uses functional neuroscience applied to sports & fitness. With a goal to offer zero cost life optimization, his routine explains the effects of Nutrition, sport, supplements, sleep, exercise that contribute to hijacking your body clock.

Cyborggainz has applied neuroscience to sport, which helps to train like a Cyborg. This is a new breakthrough concept based on Neuroscience Calisthenics fundamentals that increases the brain’s neuroplasticity, creating and strengthening motor pathways faster in order to achieve peak performance and flow state. The concept understands deeper principles that connect those workout programs, and then apply the neuroscience principles to their core human optimization program.

What’s new is that it also has the added benefit of increasing immunity, as well as, of course, building muscle. But did you know that it also has a protective effect on your mental health? According to current study reports, exercising may also improve your cognitive abilities! Fallacara explained the fundamentals of his Neuroscience Calisthenics approach, saying that it involves moderate to high intensity movements that are mostly aerobic in nature, with some anaerobic workouts thrown in for good measure.

Calisthenics based on neuroscience has transformed the fitness industry by the use of neuroplasticity, biohacking, gymnastic movements, and growth mentality. With the invention of the world’s first human optimization programs by Fallacara, this advancement has been made feasible.

The Neuroscience Calisthenics optimization program is pushing human performance forward, running a multitude of experiments in order to optimize bodies and brains, achieving peak performance in every possible aspect known to mankind, and upgrading not only physical, but also mental performance.

Fallacara has certainly accomplished an impressive amount in a short frame of time and it will be interesting to see what is to come for him in the future. Whether it be crafting the next fitness program or helping Neuroscience Calisthenics programs to the next generation, it is certain that Jean Fallacara will be making strides in the years to come.

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