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"My Project Life": Reflecting on Life's Priorities
Photo Courtesy: My Project Life

“My Project Life”: Reflecting on Life’s Priorities

In the changing world of independent cinema, a thought-provoking short film has emerged, impacting audiences worldwide. Titled “My Project Life,” this 13-minute drama is the brainchild of writer, director, and executive producer Samuel Sanches. Brought to life with the skillful guidance of producer Laura Medeiros, the film is a powerful collaboration that seamlessly blends both their creative vision and Laura’s logistical expertise.

At its core, “My Project Life” is an exploration of the fleeting nature of time, the value of love, and the importance of cherishing the present moment. Inspired by Samuel’s own life experiences, the film delves into the deeply personal themes of loss, vulnerability, and the pursuit of self-discovery.

The story follows Adam, a philosophy student grappling with the complexities of life’s priorities. When his older brother Gabriel, who is battling cancer, reaches out, Adam is forced to confront his own self-centeredness and reevaluate what truly matters. Through a series of profound conversations and revelations, Adam embarks on a journey, ultimately realizing the preciousness of time spent with loved ones.

As the producer, Laura Medeiros was instrumental in translating Samuel’s creative vision into a reality on the screen. With her passion for storytelling and keen understanding of development and budgeting, Laura handled the logistical hurdles that often accompany independent filmmaking.

"My Project Life": Reflecting on Life's Priorities
Photo Courtesy: Laura Medeiros

“My Project Life” draws its inspiration from Samuel’s personal experiences, including the loss of a cherished family member to cancer and his own brush with mortality after a near-fatal accident. These events served as catalysts for the director to reflect on the importance of time, value, and love – the three central themes that form the film’s core narrative.

Samuel’s vision is brought to life by a talented ensemble cast, including Daniil Bonk as Adam and Nathaniel Nicholas as Gabriel. Their performances are raw, authentic, and deeply moving, capturing the emotional depth of the characters’ struggles and triumphs.

Beyond its powerful narrative, “My Project Life” has already garnered recognition from esteemed film festivals. The film has so far been honored as a finalist at the Oniros Film Awards and a semi-finalist at the Indie Short Fest.

In a world where time often seems to slip through our fingers, “My Project Life” serves as an important reminder to pause, reflect, and cherish the moments that truly matter. Through its deft storytelling and relatable characters, the film invites viewers to embark on an introspective journey, encouraging them to reevaluate their own priorities and embrace the beauty of human connection.

"My Project Life": Reflecting on Life's Priorities
Photo Courtesy: Samuel Sanches (@samssanchess)

As Samuel states in his director’s statement, “I wanted to create this short film to convey the significance of time and how it is crucial to spend it with those we love.” With “My Project Life,” he has crafted a powerful and thought-provoking piece of cinema that resonates long after the final credits roll.

For those seeking a deeply moving and introspective cinematic experience, Sam and Laura’s “My Project Life” is a must-watch. Its universal themes and masterful execution make it a standout in the world of independent filmmaking, leaving a lasting impact on audiences and inspiring them to embrace the precious moments that truly define our lives.

For those intrigued by “My Project Life,” the official trailer can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m74wumGT6ok, providing a preview of this poignant cinematic experience.


Published By: Aize Perez

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