Sarah K Ramsey wants to know, “How much is your divorce or break up costing you?” When we think about the cost of splitting up, we typically think in terms of dividing assets and paying child support. However, few of us take into account the cost of the wrong healing strategy. She adds, “Simply put, if you are thinking about your ex, stuck in a pattern of grieving, struggling with anger, or unclear about how to move forward; then it costs you time, energy, and money.”
Best-selling author and host of the globally-acclaimed podcast Sarah K Ramsey has been deemed “The Success Fairy” by her clients because she helps them increase their wealth as they heal from a toxic partner or parent. Sarah has a clear approach: “I simply help them find better problems to solve. Trying to get your ex to change or spending all your energy rehashing the past is a terrible problem to solve. You will become more and more frustrated. A better healing strategy is to design a life you are excited about living and use that momentum to build both your confidence and your bank account.”
In her best-selling book Becoming Toxic Person Proof: Clear the Confusion and Learn to Trust Yourself, she outlines the problem of smart-girl or smart-guy syndrome. Intelligent people have found success in their lives by putting in the hard work needed to become successful. However, when these people apply the same thinking of working harder in their relationships, hoping with the right communication strategy, a toxic parent or partner would change, they become both frustrated and exhausted. No one makes their best money, frustrated and exhausted. By learning to take back one’s thinking, Sarah says, “You can take back control of your life (and your finances) by solving problems that have solutions.”
Sarah is on a mission to clear up the confusion surrounding toxic relationships and to stop people from having their kindness used against them. People who work with her learn that they can be both sweet and savvy as they develop healthy relationships with themselves and others. Sarah also wants to help people stop using their resources to fight the past and instead use their time, energy, and resources to build their futures.
To learn more about Sarah and to find out how you too can become Toxic-Person Proof, check out her globally-acclaimed top-ranking podcast and her best-selling book. You can also follow her on Instagram and join her free Facebook group Finding Love and Success After a Toxic Relationship.