February 8, 2025
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Shiv Vinay Pandey and Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi Harness the Harmony of Body, Mind, and Soul Through Authentic Yoga

The mind and body are two aspects of a single human, both of which equally resonate in harmony to form the self. It is through taking care of both of these inner and outer aspects of the self that we can find true enlightenment. Shiv Vinay Pandey is a practitioner of taking care of both aspects, as he embodies a Himalayan yogi heart within and a Yogipreneur aspect for the outer world. He loves to live a balanced life performing worldly duties.

Since he was young, Shiv Vinay Pandey has been immersed in deep meditations in the Himalayas during daily trips to the ashram, and he had a calling to become a monk. Through his series of meditations, he acquired divine messages that would change the course of his destiny forever. He was ordained to serve the people the message of pure unconditional love, divine vibrational healing, and guiding everyone amid their spiritual ignorance.

Contrary to the popular belief of yogis living a frugal life on alms, Shiv Vinay Pandey chose to be a Yogipreneur who utilizes the best of worldly ethical practices to create a sustainable model for spreading the message of authentic yoga all over the world. In western countries, yoga has been promoted as a form of exercise. As a result, people focus on physical anatomy and muscle groups.

Yoga has become glamorized and appealing to Westerners where distorted versions have cropped up like Hot Yoga, Coffee Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Naked Yoga, etc. Each version brings a variation of some kind that veers away from the authenticity of practicing yoga. Shiv Vinay Pandey shows his clients what authentic yoga truly is. He is a trained and certified Yoga master, and his goal is to bring back the original yoga that transforms the body, mind, and soul to a higher level of consciousness.

Authentic yoga is the eight-fold path of yoga written in our ancient text by Patanjali, which isn’t just a form of physical exercise but a way of life. It’s not any religion. In fact, it is a lifestyle that is backed by science. One of the founders of authentic yoga is Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi, a world-renowned preventive cardiologist who has helped hundreds of thousands of people prevent heart diseases through IPC Heartcare Center.

Being a certified yoga and meditation teacher, Dr. Pratiksha has amassed over three decades of experience treating her patients holistically. She makes sure to document through research the various yogic techniques that benefit people in many ways.

The real aim of yoga has always been to connect with an individual’s higher self. Shiv Vinay Pandey and Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi are creating awareness of authentic yoga, which is a doorway to blissful living. As they continue toward their path of authenticity, in the near future, they wish to educate thousands of truth-seekers who are looking to live life with a higher purpose through their programs.

To know more about Shiv Vinay Pandey, Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi, and authentic yoga make sure to check out this website.


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