By: Elizabeth Galewski
Anyone who has ever had substance abuse issues knows how hard it is to quit. So does Nicholas Mathews, founder and CEO of Stillwater Behavioral Health, who has dealt with his own substance abuse issues in the past. That’s why people can expect an extraordinary level of compassionate, personalized care at his facility during their recovery.
“Everyone’s story is different and deeply personal,” Mathews says, “which is why their treatment needs to be compassionate and deeply personal.” Indeed, compassion and personalization shape everything the experts at Stillwater Behavioral Health do.
Stillwater Behavioral Health’s nonjudgmental approach
According to Mathews, Stillwater Behavioral Health’s compassionate approach emphasizes refraining from making assumptions about people and avoiding judgment.
“We treat people with dignity and respect from their very first contact with us,” Mathews explains. “From the first time you call in, you can expect true professionalism and expertise. We will not judge you. We will not patronize you. We will not be condescending. We know better than to say or do things that could add to the trauma you’ve experienced in the past.”
According to the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, studies have established a “strong link between exposure to traumatic events and substance use problems.”
As Mathews explains, “Many people turn to drugs, alcohol, and other substances as a strategy to self-medicate in response to trauma of some form. Given what these people have been through, judgment is not appropriate.”
According to Mathews, people in recovery often need to guide their own care to be successful. That’s why the team at Stillwater Behavioral Health views themselves as serving in a supporting role.
Clients lead the way at Stillwater Behavioral Health
“Since every client’s journey is fundamentally different, we don’t lead the way along a set path,” he explains. “Our role is to keep clients safe and as comfortable as possible while helping them discover the truth within themselves and find their own next step.”
According to Mathews, healing commonly involves experiencing painful emotions. People in recovery often need to learn how to acknowledge their pain and process the past so that it can’t continue to damage their future, and Stillwater Behavioral Health facilitates that work.
“We know how to listen,” Mathews says. “We are highly sensitive and attuned to people. We ask questions and pay attention to what they say, in addition to reading them to figure out what they need.”
One example is how the staff welcomes people when they first arrive. “We don’t necessarily rush them right into filling out paperwork and doing a tour,” Mathews says. “While getting people’s medical history is important, it’s not as important as making sure they’re safe. If someone is already demonstrating symptoms of withdrawal, we immediately make them as comfortable as possible.”
Similarly, every other facet of Stillwater Behavioral Health’s treatment programs is individualized to fit specific clients’ needs, as well as their preferences.
Stillwater Behavioral Health’s personalized approach
“General care doesn’t tend to be as effective as personalized care because not everyone benefits from the same approach,” Mathews says. “Human beings aren’t one-size-fits-all.”
At Stillwater Behavioral Health, people have access to many different therapies. Best of all, both the composition of the treatment plan and each individual treatment method is personalized to the client.
“While our team includes lots of experts of different kinds, we can also bring in additional resources if needed,” Mathews says. “In the case of one of our recent successes, we assembled a team of 15 specialists. Our client was experiencing a lot of disparate physical symptoms that needed to be addressed before she could turn to the underlying clinical work. Bringing on a large number of medical experts enabled us to mitigate those physical problems, and she was able to make so much progress on the clinical side that we were able to discharge her. She no longer needs the 24/7 level of care that Stillwater provides.”
Stillwater Behavioral Health’s experts also understand that healing needs to be practical. “We help people fix their real-life problems,” Mathews explains. “They could be having trouble at their workplace or struggling to pay the rent. These sorts of problems require immediate attention. Our experts help clients find practical solutions to get on firmer footing fast.”
Healing is also emotional and psychological. “We run a dual diagnosis center precisely because substance abuse and addiction often have a mental health component,” Mathews explains. “It’s important to care for the whole human being. Otherwise, quite frankly, relapse is probable.”
Healing can even be spiritual. Again, however, Mathews emphasizes that these elements depend on the individual. “Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of a higher power,” he says. “That’s one of the reasons why AA doesn’t work for everyone — a treatment methodology that insists on promoting a particular belief system won’t work for those who don’t accept that particular belief system. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a member of AA myself, and it works for me. But the point is that care needs to be tailored to the individual in order to prove effective.”
Give yourself the best chance of success
“Behavioral health is healthcare,” Mathews says. “If you were to develop a medical issue like cancer, then it goes without saying that you would make sure to get the best healthcare you could. The same should go for behavioral health. If you have substance abuse issues, then you need to make sure to get the best healthcare, too.”
Stillwater Behavioral Health’s dedication to providing a high level of compassionate, personalized care can make the difference between success and relapse. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, then it’s time to secure the best care possible. Contact Stillwater Behavioral Health today.
Published by: Nelly Chavez